We're constantly updating our site with the hype around the island from parties to special events as well as specials from some of our partners. Be sure to check us out from time to time or subscribe to our mailing-list to get updates on our specials. Contact us for details and pricing on all our packages!
What's Happening
Around Town
Surf & Turf
Want to see the best of both worlds? We organize minimum 5 night packages customized to your interests split between Yocamatsu and a mainland partner. Contact us to book your personalized package.
Full Moon Parties
Enjoy festive nighlife? Check your calendars. Every month on the Friday and Saturday closest to full moon two different bars have full moon parties. These parties attract patrons from around the country as well as tourists and are large events. Often featuring world class DJs.
Xunantunich Mayan Horseback Tour
Up for some more adventure? Let us take you on land to visit Belize's most popular Maya Ruins at Xunantunich!
The largest event of the year on the island, Caye Caulker LobsterFest is the original and largest in the country. Held the last weekend in June to celebrate opening of lobster season. It is a huge 3 day party with many events, vendors and of course LOBSTER. Thousands of people flock to the island for this event.